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Zen-Detox-300x300 For example, eating healthy fats, such as those found in avocados or fresh coconut, produces lustrous hair, wrinkle free skin and a happy body. In contrast, eating rancid or highly heated fats and oils creates the exact opposite.

Just as we detox our liver, kidneys and colon to function at our best, our skin and scalp also require cleansing. Our skin, being the largest organ, can release toxins through our pores. We can do this with saunas, physical movement and sweat lodges, to name a few. This provides a radiance to the skin and body over a lifetime.
How do we specifically target the scalp for a radiant head of hair?

In order to deeply purify our scalps and create radiantly healthy and full heads of hair we must first bring our awareness to the scalp. Use of shampoos and conditioners with chemicals, coloring agents, alcohols and preservatives creates blockages in our scalps. So the first step is to let go of these crutches. They create instant gratification but over time cause a detriment to our health. If we are creating negative self talk about the condition of our hair this will also cause a negative reaction in our bodies. If we instead speak kindly to ourselves and create a positive self image we change the health of the scalp. This is the most important piece of the equation.
Zen Detox, Detox, DetoxingNext we want to detox our scalp which pulls out the impurities.

We do this like the ancients have done and thankfully Hair Shaman Anthony Morrocco has taken it upon himself to create from the Earth a detoxification clay made from potent proteins, minerals and clays. When mixed with spring purified water and applied to the scalp Zen Detox naturally cleans and pulls toxins from the pores. When we clean and clear the scalp we create a healthy, mineral rich and ph balanced environment for hair to grow. Zen Detox is a mild yet effective all natural way to cleanse the scalp.
If you are experiencing the following its time for a detox:

a dry scalp
excessive oily scalp
itchiness, dandruff
pain on the scalp
hair loss or hair fall
brain fog

yoga-617x416[1]From the first use you will notice a lightness of the scalp. If you are suffering from heavy metal challenges you may feel a clarity in the mind or even a feeling of Zen. This is the Zen Detox working its magic on your crown of glory!

Next we want to nourish the scalp with the healthiest, most pure shampoos and conditioners to strengthen, rejuvenate and feed the follicles, hair strands and glands in the scalp!

The more nourishment we give our scalp in the form of loving thoughts and plant-based shampoos and conditioners, along with plenty of healthy blood flow through scalp massaging, yoga and movement, the healthier and more radiant our hair and scalp will become.

Go to Soulcare Skincare for more info on Organic Products